Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Princess Workouts

It's amazing what one day of sunshine can do to a girl!
Yesterday i was the proverbial gloomy bear, face covered in ketchup and everything >.<
Today it's a totally different story, the sun is shining, my favourite summer hat is on and my tummy is full of strawberry cream frappuccino's! Hooray for the last day of August :]

The sunshine also convinced me that after a month of slobbing out, it was time to get myself fit again. Yeah, i know, i've pretty much missed the entire swimsuit season, but hey, better late than never (right?) and if anything it gives me an excuse to go on a late holiday to bust out my abs (hopeful abs...a girl can dream)

So after six month of avoiding it, i rejoined the gym and was instantly posed with a problem.
Is there an etiquette for the fitness conscious everyday lolita?
Does 'Angelic Pretty' or 'Baby The Stars Shine Bright' provide suitable non sweaty outfits - frills and all - for those wanting to maintain the lolita/princess/sweetheart lifestyle to the max? I just don't believe pink lycra and sweatbands translates to glittery lolita very well.

I mean, you can "lolita up" a swimming costume - HELLO floral swim caps!
But in order to fulfil the lifestyle lolita status, does a girl need to avoid situations ie. going to the gym which seem incompatible with the outfits that signifies it?

I've found some adorable ACDC RAG bloomers and a pastel blue vest that i think will hold up as both lolita-esque and gym bunny-chic but i'll update you with how it goes tomorrow.
The pressure is on, i really don't want to resort to my three year old comfy leggings and boyfriend tshirt...there is something about late summer and pastels that keeps my mood in unicorn cloud mode :D

Any thoughts? What keeps you guys in a sunshine mood?
Strawberrii Cute.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Kamikaze Cakes.

Right! That's the nervous first post over and done with >.<
This weekend I've graciously had to myself (for the most part) my beau, who you'll probably hear alot about, has been off gallivanting "doing work", so i've been completely self-indulgent.
Think band tshirts and lace ruffle socks. Ice cream sorbets and new piercings.
My two worlds definitley collided.
Besides home-delivered sushi (a situation so awesome it prompts a post of its own later on)floating my boat this week has been:

                                     Cake and Kitchen colour combinations

Lace Eyebrows.

and passive agressive notes. 

Our house is amazing for passive agressive notes, at one point last week we found a diagram of what would happen if the dishes weren't done.
Safe to say the outcome would not be pretty...and would probably be banned in some countries.
We did the pots >.<
On a sweeter note, i've been watching Kamikaze Girls for 90% of the weekend, its basically on repeat in my room.
The film is one of my all time favourite movies, partly because i want to own everything Momoko wears, partly because the motorbike is totally dreamy, but mostly because it brings lolitas and yankii's together in an awesome way.
If only i could ride around town in a customised motorbike in a btssb dress...argghhh HEAVEN!

What do you think about the film?
Do you love it? Hate it? Think it's a cliche of a movie?
Let me know :)

Strawberrii Cute.

First of all...Hello.

Hello, Hi...Hello.
Oh, what to say? The first post of a new blog is always hard to do.
I'm rarely lost for words, but this is a bit daunting!

This little page is a collection of the sugary and sweet from around the world, musings and rants, and general nonsense spurning from years of triple scoop ice creams - with triple toppings, white chocolate marshmallows and late thursday evening films (not forgetting a brief hiatus in teenage angst days where only black, licorice and espresso's would suffice.)

Nowadays i'm a crossbreed of the two, i could never commit to the fully fledged lolita lifestyle. Although, i've often dreamed of living a life of pure sugary bliss, glittered hair and victorian charm, it's difficult to ignore the lure of Stargazer's Toxic Green eyeshadow, riot grrrls and yesterday's makeup. 
So this is where i am...somewhere in the middle, sweet/sour.

This blog is dedicated to all the sweethearts (naughty and nice) out there.

Strawberrii Cute.